© Alligator Hunting In Florida 2012
Florida alligator hunting year round on thousands of gator packed acres. All Our Florida gator
hunts are conducted on high population Private Land. We cater to your hunting dreams, daytime,
nighttime, on land, water, with bow, rifle, fishing pole, or harpoon. It’s your gator hunt. Don't just
get taken for a boat ride, we GUARANTEE your alligator hunt! We are ranked Florida's #1
alligator hunting destination for a reason. We hunt for gators from 5 foot for your desktop. To 12
plus feet, you choose the size. You will have the time of your life, fishing, hunting, bird watching,
site seeing, boat riding, and of course reeling in Florida's last dinosaur.
Ranch Location
1 hour south of Tampa.
Or 1 hour north of Fort
South Florida alligator hunting with a rifle.
It was around 7am when we arrived at the South Florida alligator hunting area and it was a
dryer Florida day so we we're hunting by spot & stalk on land. My alligator guide knew what
he was doing, because it was only around an hour of hunting and we saw five gators Basking
in the Florida sun, but we was looking for a 10 foot plus gator. Four or five more alligators
seen in another 30 minutes, and I heard my guide say there he is, like he has seen this
alligator in his Florida back yard or something. I looked with my binoculars and saw the giant
gator lying in the Florida sand on a bank.
Give me the shooting sticks I said, knowing that this gator was at least 10 feet. I shot him in
the head at about 80 yards, and the giant gator slid into the Florida canal like a snake. I had
never been fishing in Florida yet, but out came the alligator fishing poles. After four casts we
hooked onto him, and my gator guide handed me the pole. It was like have a giant Florida
shark on I guess. I never would of thought I would be hunting alligators with a fishing pole.
After about 45 minutes or so I had him at the bank. Give me the pole my gator guide says.
Then he handed me a different gator pole. What do I do with this? It's a bang stick; just hit the
gator in the head when he gets close enough. As my guide pulled, and pulled on the pole, up
came a giant alligator directly in front of my feet. 10-foot gator, ya right, he was at least 12
foot. Bang I hit him in the head and a small splash and I had a 12-foot alligator that we were
trying to drag up the Florida bank.
All I can say is a 12-foot gator is a beast, and your going to need help getting the gator
What a hunt, I highly recommend this outfit!
We are located about 85 miles /
1hour 15 minutes from Tampa
international airport or 60 miles / 50
minutes from ft. Myers international
Transportation web site.
or call 1-866-289-9673
You can expect to see 5 to 25 alligators a day that range from 5 foot to 13 foot plus on your hunt.
You will be hunting with all weapons needed to insure we get your alligator. By Florida law you may
use rifle in daylight hours only and crossbow, bang stick, bow, spear and pole at night. You can
expect to have a great time hunting is a game rich environment with a guarantee you go home with
an alligator. Your meat is free of charge. Skin and quartering charges are $30 to $35 per foot. We
have taxidermy pick up for free, and have all hunting gear needed to ensure you get an alligator.
Lodging on exotic game ranch if you request. Food and cook added at additional cost.
Combo hunts with exotics and hog added upon request for additional costs.
Camouflage shirt and pants. From April
to October light weight short sleeve
shirts. Nov to March add long sleeve
shirt and light weight jacket. Footwear
should be hunting / hiking boots ankle
high or higher, or rubber boots.
(suggested not required)
An agents license is required to hunt
alligator in Florida. The cost of licensing
is $52 and is NOT included in hunt
pricing. After booking your hunt, we will
text you a link or phone # to get your
license. Stress free licenses! We are
here to help all the time!
We have a range from 25 yards to 200
yards at our exotic ranch to make
sure you are on target before you hunt.
We suggest using lead tip bullets!
Military full metal jacket, hollow points,
and ballistic tips are NOT good rounds
to use on alligators.(suggestion only)
We use a variety of hunting vehicles for
alligators such as 4x4 trucks, ATVS,
airboats, and swamp buggy. The vehicle
we use depends on the property we are
hunting, and water level on that property.
Party size, gator size wanted, and time of
year will also be considered when
choosing hunting transportation.
"Alligator Night Time hunting"
Hunting at night can be done but is a lot
harder to see and judge the size of
alligators being shot or caught by pole.
We would be using spot lights and
crossbow or bang stick with fishing pole
at night. (No firearms allowed by law at
night). We will spot the size alligator you
are looking for, snag it with 200 pound
breaded alligator line and fight the gator
in. Hang on for dear life because
fighting an alligator on a fishing pole is
like catching a great white. (Other
methods may be used at request).
"Alligator day time hunting"
Daylight alligator hunting is the best of
all do to the fact you can see and judge
the size of all alligators with ease. Day
light hunts are highly recommended. We
start the hunt stalking alligators and
judging the size of each one till we fine
the size our client is looking for and then
snag the alligator with fishing pole with
large treble hook and shot with a rifle or
pistol. (Sounds Easy, but will take time)
You are shooting at a four inch target,
so a steady hand and sometime more
then one shot is needed to kill these
very tough hided dinosaurs. (Other
methods and
weapons used at client request)
We hunt only private land to ensure there are
lots of gators, and be able to hunt all year
long. Public land hunts will have lots of
competition for the same gators an outfitter
would be looking for with a limited season.
and most gators are small do to the fact that
the big ones are shot out. On private land
hunts you may use rifle and hand guns to kill
your gator, and hunt day or night. Where
public land hunts no rifle or firearm at all may
be used, and your time window by law is only
at night most times.
On our private land hunts you will AVOID
tangled lines with others, limited time, only
small gators, not being able to have a firearm,
limited season, and no speeding boats
blasting by on the hunt.
Simply said YES! That's why you are hiring us,
to get an alligator. Anyone can go for a walk in
the woods, or take you for a ride on a boat.
You won't hear us say the moon is to bright,
the temperature is to cold, or you didn't get
one because you was not hunting correctly.
We don't give excuses why you didn't get a
gator, we just make it happen!
We hunt private land year round, day and
night to insure you get your trophy gator. We
hunt 7 days a week at any time. If you have a
date or time that you need to hunt, please call
us, and we will do our very best to
accommodate you. There is no time limit on
the day you booked your hunt.
You are welcome to bring your own weapon of
choice, or use ours. You may hunt with rifle,
handgun, bow, crossbow, bang stick,
muzzleloader, or spear.
Click For:
4’ to 6’ = $695
6’1” to 7’ = $895
7’1” to 8’11” =
9’ to 9’10” =
9’11”-10’10” =
**Disclaimer: Prices and information are subject to change without notice. Please check with
us the day before your hunt for any updates on information and specials.**
10’11” to 11’6” =
11’7” up = call us!
Alligator Hunting In Fl
It was a hot, humid morning in South Florida and
the gators were staying deep to avoid the heat. We
had a client from Denmark who was looking to
harvest his first trophy alligator. After just a few
minutes of instruction we had him casting the big
Penn spinner like a pro. About an hour into the
hunt the client hooked up and the fight was on!
The gator peeled about 75 yards of line off the reel
before he settled on the bottom and dug himself in
the mud. We could tell by the bubble trail where he
was and managed to get a second hook in him.
From that point on things got rough. The gator
made several attempts to make it into the cypress trees and even with two rods on him it took
all we could do to keep him in open water. He stripped 200 pound braid line off the reels like it
was nothing. We took turns on the rods for over an hour before the gator finally surfaced and
gave us an idea of how big he really was. As soon as he saw us he made one last powerful run
and then came to the bank to try to throw the hooks. Our client was ready when the gator
surfaced and made a perfect shot with his AR to put an end to the fight. We all collapsed in total
exhaustion when the gator made his final wave goodbye. The fight had lasted over an hour and
a half and left us all completely spent. We had to get the truck to drag the gator up out of the
swamp so we could get a good look at him. He taped out at 10'9" and was close to 500 pounds.
The client was ecstatic and said that was the most exciting hunt he had ever been on. After the
hunt was done he said his next adventure will be to come back and hunt for a trophy boar with
us here at Razzor Ranch.
South florida gator hunting. The heart pounding hunt!
There was four of us and we all wanted to get a gator at least 7 foot or better.
We was on foot and after i hooked my first gator that felt like a truck, the 7 footer goal was out
the truck window. My guide bob was telling me i was looking at an eleven footer. Well after s
forty min figure i was not letting this one go. I just got mine shot when two of my gator hunting
friends hooked up at the same time and it was on. One was a 8 footer and the other in our
bracket of a 7 footer so we was taking them! My friend shot the 8 footer with a 308 and almost
blew his head off, thank god for great taxidermy men. The 7 footer was killed by my crazy
friend with a spear. I dont recommend trying this unless you like swimming with the gators and
lots of blood.
It seem to slow up a bit after that and took up 3 more hours to get our last gator but it was an
adventure of my life, even after the hunt while taking photos the gator were still trying to bite
Heat pounds dangers galore.
Vistors/ non hunter $195
Skinning,Taxidermy, Lodging,
Meat processing available!